Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeepa has been arrested in a murder case. The Kannada actor was detained by the Bangalore Police in the Renukaswamy murder case from Mysuru.
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Bangalore police on the 11th of June, detained Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeepa, from Mysuru, in connection to a murder case, HT Kannada reported. Darshan Thoogudeepa, a South Indian actor was arrested due to his suspected involvement to the Renukaswamy murder case. He is now being detained in Bangalore.
Renukaswamy has been accused of posting disparaging social media posts about Pavitra Gowda as well as suggested a police investigation as an initial step. Police initiated investigations into the matter after finding his dead body in the vicinity of Sumannahalli Bridge in Bengaluru, as reported by Asianet.
There have been ten people detained in the current investigation. As per an Asianet report the police are likely to discuss further details regarding the investigation at an announcement in the near future.
The 47-year-old was rescued from an Hotel situated in Mysuru as part of the investigation into the death of Renukaswamy.
Renukaswamy murder case
An ancestor of Chitradurga, Renukaswamy was allegedly killed for provoking Pavithra Gowda on the internet. Gowda has been a long-time associate of Kannada actor Darshan. Renukaswamy was invited to be close to a Mysuru farm which was owned by Darshan.
According to reports, the suspects were allegedly tortured Renukaswamy for hours, and then killed the victim before throwing his body in a drainage system located in the Bengaluru Kamakshipalya region about two months ago, as reported by in The Hindu,referring to police. The police retrieved the body of the deceased on June 9 in the region and started investigations into the matter.
Following Darshan Thoogudeepa’s arrest on Thursday, police have been deployed close to the Bengaluru residence. Three of the suspects arrested during the initial probe into the murder case have reportedly confessed to the murder of Renukaswamy because of financial conflicts as reported by Indian Express.
Who is Darshan Thoogudeepa?
Darshan Thoogudeepa is an actor from the Kannada film actor renowned for his films such as Anatharu as well as Krantiveera Sangolly Rayanna that were released in 2012.
Darshan is also a producer and distributor. Born on February 16, 1977. Darshan founded his own production company, Thoogudeepa Productions, in the year 2006. The company’s first film was Jothe Jotheyalu, where Darshan was a guest star.
Darshan has also won a variety of awards. He was awarded the Karnataka State Film Award for the Best Actor for his performance in the film Kranti Veera Sangolli Rayanna.