The Statement from the Prime Minister Canada Day
“No where you’re at I hope you’re celebrating the extraordinary Canadians, the nation and the epic story which is Canada.
Ottawa, OntarioPremier Minister Justin Trudeau, today made the following announcement on Canada Day:
“Happy Canada Day!
“No regardless of where you are at the moment I hope that you are celebrating the remarkable inhabitants, the landscape and the history of Canada. It’s a tale that began over the 157th year ago, in the hands of Indigenous Peoples who’ve called this place home since the beginning of time.
“It’s an account of sacrifice. When Canadian soldiers swarmed their way across the beach of Normandy and fought for their lives, they were aware that they would be risking their lives. But freedom, even for those who live across an ocean, and even for the generations of people they’d never be able to meet – was something worthy of fighting for.
“It’s an epic tale that is filled with the injustices that we have to confront as we seek reconciliation. It’s a story about growing – of learning – that we’re stronger than because of our differences however, because of them.
“And it’s a tale that’s still being written by a group of amazing Canadians who stand into action for their communities and their country. From the volunteers and workers who looked after the most vulnerable in our society during the epidemic to the brave first responders who right now, are racing towards danger to safeguard the homes of wildfires, to those in our Canadian Armed Forces who stand in the frontline, fighting for liberty and democracy.
“Together we can continue to build this amazing place that we all call home. Let’s create communities that are more vibrant, lively and inclusive. Let’s break down barriers and open doors for all. Let’s make a better future that gives everyone an equal chance regardless of the person you are or where you’re from, where you are from, what kind of prayer you use or what you think about. Let’s join forces to fulfill the promises of our nation that is peace as well as prosperity, freedom and fairness.
“On the day of Canada Day Let’s celebrate the accomplishments we’ve made in the past together, and affirm our efforts to help make Canada more beautiful.”